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Batik Indonesia

Written By rio on Sunday, February 26, 2012 | Sunday, February 26, 2012

Since the XVII Century Batik has been written and painted on palm leaves. At that time batik motif or pattern is still dominated by the shape of animals and plants. However, over time, batik has been progressing, that is from a painting motifs of animals and plants gradually turn to an abstract motif that resembles a cloud, temple reliefs, wayang beber and so on. Furthermore, through the merger of the painting with the art of decorating style clothing, batik art emerged as we know it today.

Batik originated from the Javanese "amba", meaning to write and "point". The word batik refers to fabric with a pattern generated by the materials 'malam' (wax) is applied onto the fabric, so resist the entry of dye, wax-resist dyeing.
The type and style of traditional batik quite so much, but the patterns and variations in accordance with the philosophy and culture of each region are very diverse. Cultural treasures such a rich nation Indonesia has prompted the birth of various styles and types of batik tradisioanal with its own specialty features.

Community Cultural Batik in Indonesia

Batik is an ancestral heritage of Indonesia (Java) that until now still exist. Batik is also first introduced to the world by President Suharto, who was wearing a batik at the UN Conference.
Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (especially Java) for a long time. Javanese women in the past made their skills in batik for a living, so in the past batik work is exclusively women's work until the invention of "Batik Cap" which allows the entry of men into the field. There are some exceptions to this phenomenon, namely the coastal batik masculine lines as can be seen in shades of "Mega Mendung"(cloud), which in some coastal areas batik work is common for men.
batik_mega-mendung batik-cirebon-motif-mega batik ganggengan
The tradition of batik was originally a hereditary tradition, so sometimes a recognizable motif batik come from certain families. Some batik may indicate the status of a person. Even today, some tadisional motif is only used by royal families of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.

Motif batik

Batik variety of shades and colors are influenced by various foreign influences. Initially, batik has a variety of shades and colors are limited, and some patterns may only be used by certain circles. However, coastal batik absorb various external influences, such as foreign traders and also in the end, the invaders. Bright colors like red popularized by the Chinese, who also popularized the style phoenix. European colonial nations are also taking interest in batik, and the result is a pattern flowers that were previously unknown (such as tulips) and also objects that were taken by the colonizer (the building or horse-drawn carriage), including their favorite colors such as blue. Retain traditional batik s type, and is still used in traditional ceremonies, because usually each style has a representation of each.

Types and How to Batik Making

Batik was originally made ​​on material with white color made ​​of cotton cloth called. Today the batik is also made on other materials such as silk, polyester, rayon and other synthetic materials. Batik motif formed by the liquid wax by using a tool called a canting for subtle motifs, or brush to a large motif, so that the liquid wax to seep into the fabric fibers. Fabrics that have been painted with wax and then dyed with the desired color, usually starting from the light colors. Immersion and then taken to another motif with color or black older. After some time the coloring process, which has dibatik cloth dipped in chemicals to dissolve the wax

Making a technique based on
  • Batik Tulis is decorated with fabric textures and patterns of batik by hand. Batik making this type takes approximately 2-3 months.
  • Batik cap is decorated with fabric textures and patterns created with batik cap (usually made of copper). Batik-making process of this type takes approximately 2-3 days.
  • Batik Lukis is the process of making batik painting by painting directly on white cloth.

Based on the origin of manufacture
Javanese batik art is a cultural heritage of Indonesia, especially Java-controlled areas of the Javanese hereditary. Javanese batik motifs have different. Differences dikarnakan motif is common motives that have meaning, the purpose is not only an image but it implies that they can from their ancestors, namely religious animism, dynamism, or Hindus and Buddhists. Javanese batik developed in many areas Solo or commonly known as Solo batik.

Batik Trends Today

In modern times this has been revolutionized batik clothes than ever, many models of batik clothes had been changed to offset fashion. Especially the development of batik for ladies, a design that is more fashionable and beautiful began to be formed. Of course without leaving the existing rules
Perkebangan modern batik has managed to get a place of honor. When these people to the party despite the lavish use of batik as a shirt or dress. Even today ordered state officials to more wear than the jacket batik. So as the culture of this nation very proud.
Batik has become a model of how the traditional culture of Indonesia can continue to survive. Various patterns emerged for the more indulgent consumers, especially for women batik shirt that has experienced incredible growth at all.
Here are some models of modern batik. Please see:


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