Manusela National Park has a variety of tourist destinations ranging from the vast stretches of water up to the mountains. Such natural conditions provide plenty of space to the tourists to choose a place for a trip to suit their own desires.
For tourists who love the forest tour, this park is the right choice. In this area there are a variety of forest vegetation, such as coastal forest, swamp forest, river bank, palmah tropical rain forest, mountain forest, and sub-alpine forest. Tancang (Bruguiera sexangula), mangrove (Rhizophora acuminata), fire-fire (Avicennia sp), lime (dryobalanaps sp), Pulai (Alstonia scholaris), ketapan (Terminalia catappa), pandan (pandanus sp), meranti (Shorea selanica) eucalyptus (Melaleuca leucadendron), and carrion flower (Rafflesia sp) is a plant species that can be found here. The condition of unspoiled nature and well maintained make this national park habitat for many wildlife species. Here is found a deer (cervus timorensis moluccensis), Cuscus (Phalanger orientalis), soa-soa (hydrosaurus amboinensis), wild boar (sus celebensis), mongoose (pardofelis marmorata), lizards panama (tiliqua idea idea), dugongs (dugong dugong) , and the green turtle (Chelonia mydas).
National park that was one of mainstay attractions of Central Maluku is enriched by the presence of 117 species of birds, in which 14 species are endemic island of Maluku. Musk Ternate (Lorius garrulus), purple nape parrots (Lorius domicella), spooky cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis), king prawn (Halcyon lazuli / Halcyon sancta), big spooky honey bird (Philemon subcorniculatus), and parrot ambon / parrot king (alisterus amboinensis ) are among the bird species can be found in this region. In addition, the presence of several rivers that flowed freely in this park, can accommodate travelers who desire to do sports rafting. Unless the water is clear and the terrain is fairly extreme, another attraction rivers in this region is the condition of unspoiled nature with the charm of the exotic cliffs along the river flow.
As for travelers who like adventure, in this park there are many valleys which have the particularity of each. Manusela Valley is famous for its natural panorama that smart and cool temperate, Pilianan famous valley with various kinds of butterflies, and Sawai valley popular with sea corals are beautiful. In addition, in this national park also has six mountains, where Mount Binaya (Binaiya) is the highest mountain with an altitude of about 3027 meters above sea level (asl). The presence of the mountains are very supportive of the desire of tourists who like hiking and sports like rock climbing. Meanwhile, the contours of the rising and falling terrain, trails that meander through deep into the woods, and supported by a diverse forest vegetation, provide sufficient space for adventurers to perform various activities, such as cross-country sports, camping, and photographing various unique flora and fauna.
When you have free time, tourists can visit the captive deer, houseboat, cultured pearls, arena outbound, suspension bridge, watchtower, and hot springs. Day trips to the National Park Manusela certainly not complete until they've been watching the life of indigenous people who inhabit the national park area. They are spread across four villages, namely Manusela Village, Village Ilena Maraina, Selumena Village, and Village Kanike. Communities in these villages believe that the mountains are located within the National Park area Manusela always protect them from distress. Therefore, they always respect and preserve the national park is a way of living in harmony with nature.
Manusela National Park there are various facilities, like the gatehouse, tourist guide (guide), information centers, and small shops. Tower of view, laboratories, rest house, and speed boat rentals are other amenities available here. Travelers who want to stay, can rent the houses located in this park or rent a houseboat there is lots of Sawai Bay. Meanwhile, tourists who want to merge with nature, to camping at various places located in the park.
For tourists who want to visit the National Park Manusela to start the trip from the city of Ambon, the capital of Maluku province. From the city of Ambon, there are two routes to the park. First, through a route north coast. For those tourists who choose the route north coast, to ride the ferry to the city of Ambon Masohi, capital city of Central Maluku, with a travel time of about eight hours. From Masohi trip continued with a bus charter or rent a car about two hours to the Saka. Then, proceed with speed boat (speed boat) about two hours to the Sawai or O. Second, through the coastal route south. For those tourists who choose this route, to climb aboard the ferries from Ambon to Masohi with a travel time of about eight hours. From Masohi journey continues towards Tehoru with motor boat ride around nine hours. Then, proceed to the Moso or the Village Saunulu using motor boats. For tourists who like a challenge, it is recommended to choose the second route or routes south coast. Because, before arriving at Manusela National Park, tourists will pass through the road climbing the slope of terrain about 30 percent.
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