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Fauna of Eastern Indonesia

Written By rio on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 | Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fauna of the Eastern Indonesia region is also called Sahul region shoal fauna. The types of fauna found in this region of type Australis, meaning the type of fauna is similar to the fauna-fauna in Australia.
Distribution of the fauna of eastern Indonesia include:

1. Maluku Islands and small islands in the vicinity
2. Papua (Irian) and surrounding areas.
Fauna of the region bordering Eastern Indonesia  Indonesia Fauna of Central Region and bordered by an imaginary line that is line Webber, and included in the group of world zone fauna Australis.
Several types of fauna that live in the Fauna of East Indonesia, among others:
1. Mammals, consists of kangaroo, walaby, bears, nokdiak (hedgehog Irian), opossums kite (climber marsupial), cuscus, tree kangaroos and bats.
Kanguru - Walaby - Beruang Madu
Kangaroos - Walaby - Honey Bear
Nokdiak (landak Irian) - Oposum Layang - Kangguru PohonNokdiak (hedgehog Irian) - opossum Layang - Tree Kangaroo

2. Reptiles, consisting of crocodiles, monitor lizards, snakes, lizards and turtles
3. Amphibians, consisting of tree frogs, flying frogs and water frogs

4. Birds, consisting of parrots, king prawns, paradise, cassowaries and namudur

Cendrawasih - Raja udang - KasuariParadise - King prawns - Cassowary
5. Various types of fish
6. Various kinds of insects

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